In Metric Tons


Why Us?

Reduction in Carbon

Footprint Over the Years

4,50,000 Tons

Estimated 103% more in 2024

“Industrial expansion inherently incurs ​environmental degradation. While renewable ​solutions are nascent, common industrial utillities ​offer a sustainable, growth-accelerating paradigm, ​mitigating resource exploitation.”

Our centralized model minimizes waste and environmental impact. We generate clean steam, heat, and ​treated water exclusively from renewable biomass and agricultural waste.

State-of-the-art equipment like EPHs, deionizers, condensate recovery, and advanced ash handling ​systems ensure minimal emissions. These facilities, often cost-prohibitive for individual companies, ​become accessible through our economies of scale. The result? An environmentally friendly and cost-​effective solution for your business.

Beyond the core benefits of shared utilities, we offer unique value propositions:

  • Cost-effective Expansion: Our outsourced utilities eliminate upfront capital investments for new ​projects. Industries simply "plug and play" into our readily available network.
  • Boost for SMEs: We offer a pay-as-you-use model for SMEs, enabling flexible production scaling during ​peak seasons. No need for them to develop and manage additional utilities.
  • Reduced Emissions: Individual treatment of utility generation emissions is expensive. We handle it ​centrally, ensuring cleaner air for everyone.
  • Fullfill Sustainablity targets: Large industries can achieve green goals through our "Green steam" ​certificates, bypassing the complexities of switching to biofuels.
  • Quick installation: Our 10+ years of experience guarantee swift operationalization within a year for new ​industrial estates. Industries can quickly connect and start production.

We fulfill 6/17 ​Sustainable ​Development ​Goals

Sustainable Utilities: Our operations leverage ​renewable fuels exclusively, minimizing ​environmental impact. Residual waste ​undergoes reprocessing, reuse, or treatment. ​We champion efficient utility delivery ​through patented boiler and pipeline ​designs, fostering job creation in this capital ​and labor-intensive industry.

SDG Logo Horizontal
SDG No Poverty
SDG Zero Hunger
SDG Good Health and Wellbeing
SDG Quality Education
SDG Gender Equality
SDG Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy Vector
SDG Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG Industry Innovation and Infastructure
SDG Reduced Inequalities
SDG Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG Climate Action
SDG Life Below Water
SDG Life On Land
SDG Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG Partnerships For The Goals